
Welcome to my Neocities! Corrosion2007 is my slice of the internet where I blog and record stuff like my interests and portfolio. This site is a personal project that I started when I was taking a web design class in 2023. Currently, this website is still under construction, meaning most of the pages are still empty, and the ones that are functional are probably incomplete. Check out my update log below for more information!!

Please note that this site is best viewed on computer due to its set width.

kiss me until my lips fall off... kiss me until i start to rot... - lebanon hanover

About The Webmaster

Who's Draven?

Hello! My name is Draven and I’m the webmaster of Corrosion2007. The name of the site is a reference to the Sisters of Mercy song This Corrosion. Here's a brief bio.

My passion is illustration, and my goal is to work as a character design concept artist in the entertainment industry one day! My hobbies include drawing/designing, coding, and amateur phlebotomy, which you probably shouldn’t tell my mom about... I’m into cryptozoology and cooking, and I really like listening to music. You will catch me listening to genres like deathrock, post-punk, gothic rock, etc. However, I’m not a snob, I also enjoy non-goth genres like indie rock, post-hardcore, and pop. If you want to read more about me, click this!

Chatbox! Be nice...

site updates


small updates. grey box was annoying me so i added a placeholder banner. no motivation to do anything else right now.


i'm basically redoing the entire site right now. i've done almost the entire layout i think and i'll be working on aesthetics soon hopefully.


added update box lol :9

Music Corner

Songs I can't stop listening to

Click Song Name Artist
hometown cleopatrick
Dot in the Sky Drab Majesty
Daughter of the Morningstar The Kentucky Vampires

Goth artists highlight

The Middle of Nowhere

The Middle of Nowhere is a very new band which recently released their first demo on spotify, check it out!


VR SEX is a project started by Drab Majesty's Andrew Clinco.

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